Gaza Aid Limbo: US Diplomacy Races Clock to Avert Veto


Gaza Aid in Peril: US Scrambles to Avoid Vetoing UN Resolution

The plight of Gazans hangs in the balance as the United States engages in eleventh-hour diplomacy to avoid blocking a United Nations Security Council resolution on critical aid for the beleaguered Palestinian territory. After a December 8th veto of a similar resolution demanding a ceasefire, the international community’s hopes for delivering urgently needed humanitarian assistance rest on the delicate negotiations unfolding behind closed doors.

With Gaza’s healthcare system on the brink of collapse and civilians facing dire shortages of food, water, and electricity, the stakes are impossibly high. The latest conflict between Israel and Hamas has reportedly left over 2,300 Palestinians dead and 10,000 injured, further exacerbating the existing humanitarian crisis.

Current draft resolution

The current draft resolution, sponsored by Arab nations, calls for unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid and a sustainable ceasefire. However, finding wording acceptable to both the US and Israel remains a monumental challenge. Key sticking points include references to a cessation of hostilities and the proposed role of the UN in monitoring aid to ensure it does not fall into the hands of Hamas.

The Biden administration faces a complex juggling act. While acknowledging the severity of the situation in Gaza, it remains a staunch ally of Israel and wary of anything it perceives as undermining its security. Additionally, concerns persist within the US about Hamas’s misuse of aid in the past.

Egypt, playing a crucial intermediary role, has been facilitating intense discussions between the US and Arab nations to address these concerns and navigate the diplomatic minefield. Finding a formula that guarantees aid reaches those most in need while addressing Israeli security concerns could pave the way for a resolution capable of securing the elusive 9 votes needed for passage in the Security Council.

Beyond the immediate crisis, the resolution also presents an opportunity to address the longstanding root causes of the conflict. A commitment to de-escalation, sustainable ceasefire arrangements, and renewed efforts towards a two-state solution are crucial to breaking the cycle of violence and building a lasting peace.

However, the path forward remains murky. Failure to reach a consensus on the aid resolution could further isolate the US on the US-Palestine relations  international stage and exacerbate the suffering of Gazans. On the other hand, a resolution perceived as overly critical of Israel or neglecting its security concerns could backfire, hardening positions and jeopardising fragile diplomatic progress.

The next few days will be critical. As the clock ticks down, the international community, with the US at its centre, must work tirelessly to forge a solution that prioritises both urgent humanitarian needs and the long-term prospects for peace. The lives and future of millions in Gaza hang in the balance.

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