Maldives Ministers Suspended for Derogatory Remarks


The Maldives has found itself in the midst of a diplomatic row after three of its ministers made offensive comments about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media. This incident has resulted in the suspension of Malsha Shareef, Mariyam Shiuna, and Abdulla Mahzoom Majid from their ministerial positions.

The Social Media Fiasco

The controversy erupted when Mariyam Shiuna referred to PM Modi as a “clown” and a “puppet” in posts that have since been deleted. These remarks surfaced following PM Modi’s posts about his visit to Lakshadweep, encouraging Indian tourism to the island. Abdulla Mahzoom Majid, in another now-deleted post, expressed concerns over India targeting the Maldives for tourism.

India’s Response

India swiftly brought this matter to the attention of the Maldives government, prompting the suspension of the three ministers. These derogatory remarks against PM Modi were met with strong disapproval and condemnation by officials, including former President Mohamed Nasheed and ex-Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, labeling the language used as “appalling.”

Public Outcry and Diplomatic Fallout

The offensive remarks sparked public outrage and calls for a boycott of the Maldives. The incident has drawn considerable attention on social media, with celebrities like Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, Kangana Ranaut, and others weighing in on PM Modi’s visit and the subsequent Maldivian response.

Diplomatic Sensitivity

The fallout from these comments underscores the sensitivity of diplomatic relations in the region. The Maldives government emphasized that the views expressed by the ministers do not reflect the official stance of the Maldivian administration. However, the incident has placed a spotlight on the necessity of maintaining respectful and amicable ties between nations.


The suspension of the three ministers in the Maldives demonstrates the gravity with which such diplomatic missteps are regarded. As the Maldives grapples with the aftermath of this social media fiasco, it serves as a reminder of the importance of decorum and tact in international relations, especially in the age of social media where remarks can quickly escalate into international incidents.

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