Xi Jinping’s New Year’s Message: A Firm Stance on Taiwan


In his annual New Year’s Eve address, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a resolute reaffirmation of China’s stance on Taiwan, asserting that the island “will surely be reunified” with China. This proclamation arrives ahead of Taiwan’s pivotal 13th January elections, which hold the key to shaping the island’s cross-strait policy over the forthcoming four years.

Emphatic Reiteration

President Xi’s recent message notably elevates the rhetoric from his previous year’s address, where he emphasized Taiwan’s affiliation as part of the “same family.” This robust statement reinforces China’s unwavering commitment to the eventual reunification of Taiwan under Beijing’s control, casting a stronger and more unequivocal tone.

Escalating Military Pressures

Amidst this political backdrop, China has intensified its military encroachment on Taiwan, viewing the self-governed island, home to 23 million inhabitants, as a renegade province awaiting assimilation into mainland China. Conversely, Taiwan staunchly upholds its distinct identity, boasting its constitution and democratically elected leaders as testaments to its autonomy.

Dueling Perspectives

In response to Xi Jinping’s declaration, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has ardently insisted that the island’s ties with China must align with the wishes of the Taiwanese populace. Her administration repeatedly warns against Beijing’s alleged attempts to sway the elections, which will usher in a new leadership, amplifying the rivalry between Taiwan’s Kuomintang party (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

While the KMT historically leans toward closer relations with Beijing, refuting any pro-China affiliations, the DPP under Tsai’s leadership advocates a more assertive stance, emphasizing Taiwan’s sovereignty and disavowing any ties to China.

Global Implications and Diplomatic Dynamics

The Taiwan issue has not only strained relations between China and Taiwan but has also served as a friction point between the United States and China. Beijing vehemently opposes any perceived support from Washington towards Taipei, asserting its right to take necessary measures against external interference in Taiwan’s unification process.

Notwithstanding the tensions, the onset of the new year witnessed a semblance of amiable exchange between China and the US. President Xi and President Joe Biden exchanged congratulatory messages, highlighting the imperative of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and collaborative cooperation between the two nations.

Understanding the China-Taiwan Dynamics

The crux of the discord between China and Taiwan lies in China’s claim that Taiwan is an integral part of its territory, necessitating reunification at any cost. In contrast, Taiwan vigorously defends its distinct governance, constitution, and armed forces, showcasing its autonomy despite limited international recognition.


President Xi’s forceful reiteration of China’s commitment to Taiwan’s reunification underscores the enduring and contentious geopolitical standoff between the two entities. This stance, reinforced amidst escalating tensions and crucial electoral processes, reverberates across global diplomatic corridors, shaping intricate relationships and power dynamics between major nations.

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