Three schoolgirls from South Korea who ran away to meet BTS were found in Vellore


Three schoolgirls from a peaceful village in the Karur area could never have thought that their love of dance and music would one day inspire them to attempt an impossible journey to a foreign nation on the far side of the border using just their meager resources and no passports.

Enthralled followers of BTS, the immensely successful Korean pop group, the 13-year-old ladies, who were enrolled in Class 8 at a state-run school, decided to travel to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, to meet their idols.

A Child Welfare Committee official told PTI that they made the definite resolution to somehow see the BTS singers and that they shortlisted the seaports of Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu to board a ship to South Korea. In the end, they decided on Visakhapatnam.

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On January 4, the girls silently left their houses and traveled by train from Erode, a town close to Karur, to Chennai.

When the girls did not come home, the parents reported the missing girls to the Karur police, who then alerted other law enforcement agencies around the state and started searching.

The teens thought they could still make it even though they only had roughly ₹ 14,000 in funds between them. They were told they could board a ship to Seoul without a passport after they had trouble getting a room in a hotel in Chennai on Thursday night.

They were dragged from pillar to post on Friday in their desperate attempts to move forward, and they were completely exhausted. Having no other option, they left Chennai and took a train home.

They arrived at Katpadi railway station late at night to buy food, but they missed the train. Police contacted the children and Child Line authorities, and we were notified’, P Vedanayagam, the head of the Vellore District Child Welfare Committee, stated.

They were placed in a state-run facility in the Vellore district, and both the youngsters and their parents attended counseling sessions once their parents were called.

We discovered that the girls had purchased shoes that resembled those worn by pop band stars and that they were well knowledgeable about the BTS band, the stars, and everything about their appearance.”

Girls Get Their Tharepy

Their infatuation stemmed from unrestricted access to smartphones and the BTS members who served as their motivation. We could see that they were desperate for a life filled with music and dance.” It was respectfully explained to them that their choice ‘to move overseas’ to pursue their goals was a grave error.

According to the official, the kids were urged to concentrate solely on their studies to achieve their goals, whatever those may be.

“We explained to the kids the worth and significance of school and counseled the parents to monitor their kids’ behavior.” The teenagers were informed that although cell phones and the internet are helpful in daily life, they should be used primarily for educational purposes.

It is also impossible to overlook the children’s family history. For one girl, it was only her single parent. The father of another girl has mental health issues. These girls’ mothers are agricultural laborers.

They don’t have enough time to keep an eye on their kids’ behavior or desires.” to guarantee that their children receive assistance and direction, the parents were asked to establish appropriate plans for child care. After therapy, the kids were transported back to their hometown with their parents, and on January 6th, they boarded a train.

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