Nigel Lythgoe Denies Allegations of Sexual Assault by Paula Abdul


Paula Abdul, renowned for her singing and dancing prowess, is at the center of headlines following a lawsuit she filed against Nigel Lythgoe, a British television executive, over alleged instances of sexual assault during their collaborative work on shows like American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. As the legal battle escalates, Lythgoe vehemently denies the accusations, sparking a controversy that has gripped media attention.

Shock and Denial: Lythgoe’s Response

In a statement to US media, Lythgoe expressed shock at the allegations and staunchly refuted the claims made by Abdul. He emphasized their relationship as purely professional and platonic, asserting that the accusations are not only false but deeply offensive to his character and principles. Lythgoe vowed to vehemently defend himself against what he termed an “appalling smear,” declaring his intent to combat the allegations vigorously.

Allegations Unveiled: Details of Assault

According to court documents accessed by the BBC, Abdul’s lawsuit alleges multiple instances of assault. The first purported incident occurred during the early seasons of American Idol while on tour for regional auditions, where Abdul claims Lythgoe assaulted her in an elevator. She reportedly sought help from her representatives immediately after the distressing encounter.

Another alleged incident occurred over a decade later during a professional meeting at Lythgoe’s residence in Los Angeles. Abdul claims Lythgoe made unwanted advances, expressing intentions of forming a “power couple,” which she rebuffed by pushing him away, making it clear she had no interest in his advances.

Professional Intimidation and Silence

Abdul’s legal filing asserts her prolonged silence due to the fear of retribution from a powerful television producer and constraints imposed by professional contracts. The lawsuit alleges that her career could have been at risk if she spoke out against someone as influential as Lythgoe and that contractual clauses restricted her from disclosing sensitive information or speaking negatively about her professional engagements.

Legal Framework and Statute of Limitations

The lawsuit falls under California’s Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act, which temporarily extends the statute of limitations in sexual assault cases. This legal avenue aims to provide a platform for survivors to seek justice, especially when professional constraints or fear have prevented them from speaking out earlier.


The allegations put forth by Paula Abdul against Nigel Lythgoe in the lawsuit have sparked a contentious legal battle, emphasizing the complexities of addressing sexual assault accusations in high-profile industries. As the case unfolds, it underlines the significance of providing survivors with avenues for justice and the importance of navigating the power dynamics within professional environments.

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