Surge in Accidental Overdoses Linked to Injected Weight-Loss Drugs Ozempic and Wegovy


History of Ozempic and Wegovy:

Both Ozempic and Wegovy are drugs that are injected and used to lose weight. Semaglutide, an agonist of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor, is present in them. GLP-1 is a chemical that assists the pancreas with delivering insulin when the body needs it.

Weight-machineAs per an article by Wikipedia, semaglutide was first evolved in 2012 by a group of scientists at Novo Nordisk as a more drawn-out acting option to liraglutide for a once-week after-week diabetes treatment. Beginning in January 2016, clinical trials continued through May 2017. In 2017, the FDA approved Ozempic for diabetic patients.

Wegovy, then again, was created as a weight reduction medicine and was endorsed by the FDA in 2021 for individuals who have stoutness or are overweight and have extra medical conditions. Wegovy and Ozempic are two names for the same drug, according to UCHealth’s article: semaglutide. The medication that is used to treat diabetes is called Ozempic, and the medication that is used to lose weight is called Wegovy.

As per an article by The Watchman, more than 120 calls were made to Australia’s biggest toxic substances data focus connected with semaglutide, the medication sold under the brand name Ozempic, in the year to the furthest limit of October 2023. Eighty-three percent of these were the result of medication errors, such as taking the wrong dose, administering the medication incorrectly, or administering the medication to the wrong person.

Health risks associated with Ozempic and Wegovy:

According to a new study, people who take popular injected weight loss medications like Victoza, Wegovy, Ozempic, and Saxenda may be more likely than people who take other weight loss medications to develop serious digestive issues like stomach paralysis, pancreatitis, and bowel obstructions.

Both Ozempic and Wegovy are drugs that are injected and used to lose weight. Semaglutide, an agonist of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor, is present in them. A hormone known as GLP-1 assists the pancreas in producing insulin when the body requires it.

As per an article by USA Today, Ozempic copies GLP-1 and assists the pancreas with delivering insulin when glucose levels rise. Ozempic can also be used to treat diabetes. Wegovy, then again, conveys messages to the craving community in the mind to diminish yearning and increment completion. It diminishes food clamor with the goal that we aren’t considering food much or utilizing food to attempt to tackle different issues

It’s essential to take note that normal results of these drugs incorporate queasiness, looseness of the bowels, spewing, and stoppage. Moreover, another review recommends that individuals taking these prescriptions might be at a higher gamble for serious stomach-related issues like stomach loss of motion, pancreatitis, and entrail impediments, contrasted and those taking different kinds of weight reduction meds.

The use of Ozempic and Wegovy carries some potential dangers. A new study has linked these drugs to serious gastrointestinal side effects like stomach paralysis, pancreatitis, and bowel obstructions, according to an NBC News article. According to the findings of the study, individuals who take these medications may be more likely than others to develop these conditions.

It’s important to remember that nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation are all common side effects of these medications. In addition, up until the end of October 2023, the drug sold under the brand name Ozempic, semaglutide, was the subject of more than 120 calls to Australia’s largest poison information center. Of these, 83% were because of medicine mistakes, including a singular taking an erroneous portion, managing the drug mistakenly, or the prescription being taken by some unacceptable individual.

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