
Top Freelance Web Design Trends In 2024

Top Freelance Web Design Trends In 2024

UX Focused Design

We should anticipate seeing more user-centered company websites by 2024. This implies that websites will be simpler to use, browse, and comprehend. UX design has been given a unique touch by freelance designer Pierre-Louis, although there are other strategies to draw in viewers and keep them clicking.

Design of Voice User Interfaces

Design of Voice User Interfaces

The dynamics of our interactions with a wide range of devices and services have radically transformed with the advent of VUIs. Voice-activated smart home devices and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa have made voice-activated instructions a commonplace part of our daily lives.

Sustainable and Eco-friendly Design

Sustainable and Eco-friendly Design

In 2024, it is only reasonable to anticipate seeing an increasing number of companies integrate sustainable ideals into their website design and branding.

AI-generated designs

AI-generated designs have become widely available and adopted during the last two years, and in 2024, this trend is expected to gain momentum and further change the digital and design industries.

Kinetic typography

With this trend, language becomes more than just a means of conveying information, it becomes a visually captivating component. In addition to the broad accessibility of easily navigable design tools and a cultural movement toward more colorful, dynamic content


Small interactive components on a website that react to human input, such as clicking or hovering over a button, are known as microinteractions. Although these interactions are frequently minor, they significantly increase user engagement and intuitiveness.

We expect to see a fusion of contemporary and traditional fonts, big, eye-catching statement typefaces, and more experimentation with mixed media and overlapping text in 2024.

The aim of digital design in the future is to produce visually stunning, intuitive, and meaningful experiences.

We are excited to watch how design and the web develop further. Also, take a look at the newest and best site design if you need more ideas for your future project.

We are excited to watch how design and the web develop further. Also, take a look at the newest and best site design if you need more ideas for your future project.