Sweet Symphony: 5 Must-Try Indian Kheer  delicacies:

Sweet Symphony: 5 Must-Try Indian Kheer  delicacies:

Indulge your candy enamel with these 5 famous Indian kheer delicacies:

Indulge your candy enamel with these 5 famous Indian kheer delicacies:

Creamy rice pudding with cardamom and nuts, perfect for celebrations.

Rice Kheer (North India)

2.Semiya Kheer (South India):

Vermicelli kheer infused with saffron or rose water, presenting a completely unique texture.

3. Tapioca pearls slow-cooked with milk, sugar, and cardamom, garnished with almonds and pistachios.

4.Badam Kheer (Punjab): Rich almond paste added to take advantage of, often infused with saffron and garnished with sliced almonds

5.Paal Payasam (Tamil Nadu): Fragrant rice pudding simmered in full-fat milk, garnished with cashews and raisins.

Explore the diverse global of Indian kheer and treat yourself to a symphony of flavours.

Explore the diverse global of Indian kheer and treat yourself to a symphony of flavours.