Programming languages' contribution to Google's success

Programming languages' contribution to Google's success

One of the most prosperous and creative businesses in the world, Google provides a vast array of services and products, including search, YouTube, Maps, Gmail, Cloud, and more. Programming languages can be compared to a human-computer communication system. It is a collection of guidelines and notation that enables programmers to create code.

Google uses the programming language Go

Google uses the programming language Go

Go, commonly referred to as Golang, is one of the most prominent programming languages that Google has created and employed. Go is a concurrent, statically typed programming language that aims to be easy to use, effective, and scalable.

Go was rated as the third most desired and fifth most loved language among developers in the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. Numerous businesses and institutions, including Uber, Netflix, Dropbox, Docker, Kubernetes, and of course Google, use Go. Google Cloud, YouTube, Gmail, Chrome, and TensorFlow are a few of the Google services and products that make use of Go.

The Big Three are Python, Java, and C++.

The Big Three are Python, Java, and C++.

Three primary programming languages are used by Google in addition to Go: C++, Java, and Python. Because they are utilised for the majority of Google's key services and products, these languages are frequently referred to as the "big three" at Google. Every one of these languages has advantages and disadvantages, and Google selects the most appropriate language for the given job or issue.

Some Google products, including TensorFlow, Android, and Chrome, are also developed in C++.

Google primarily uses C++, one of the fastest and oldest programming languages, for low-level and performance-critical systems like web crawling, encryption, compression, and search engine ranking.

Java is a popular object-oriented, cross-platform programming language for web and enterprise applications. Java is one of the most widely used programming languages for creating Android apps because of its reputation for portability, scalability, and stability.

Google also uses Java for a few of its services and products, including AdWords, YouTube, Gmail, Maps, and Google Cloud.

Python is a well-known high-level interpreted language that is simple to learn, productive, and easy to understand. Python is widely used for web development, automation, machine learning, scripting, and data analysis. It is one of the most versatile and flexible languages.