10 tips to help control hair fall

Balanced Diet: Ensure your diet includes protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, lean meats, and legumes along with fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats to provide essential nutrients for hair health.

Scalp Care: Keep your scalp clean by washing regularly with a mild shampoo to prevent buildup that could clog hair follicles and contribute to hair fall.

Gentle Handling: Avoid vigorous towel-drying or brushing when your hair is wet, as it's more prone to breakage. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle gently.

Avoid Heat Styling: Minimize the use of hot styling tools like straighteners or curling irons as excessive heat can damage hair and cause it to fall out.

Regular Trims: Getting regular trims helps prevent split ends, which can travel up the hair shaft and cause breakage.

Stay Hydrated: Drink enough water to keep your body and hair hydrated. Dehydration can make hair brittle and prone to breakage.

Reduce Stress: Stress can contribute to hair fall. Practice stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, or exercise to reduce its impact on your hair.

Avoid Tight Hairstyles: Styles that pull on your hair, like tight ponytails or braids, can cause stress on the hair follicles and lead to hair fall. Opt for looser styles.

Use Hair Masks: Apply nourishing hair masks or oils like coconut oil, argan oil, or olive oil to moisturize and strengthen your hair regularly.

Seek Professional Help: If hair fall persists despite efforts to control it, consult a dermatologist or a healthcare professional to identify underlying causes and get appropriate treatment.